Bucharest, February 16, 2023 – Genesis Property is committed to achieving zero carbon emissions for the buildings in its portfolio by 2030, by investing in increasing energy efficiency and production from renewable sources, through sustainable building management and efficient use of resources.

YUNITY Park serves as an extension of the office that provides the urban support for experiences adapted to the modern lifestyle, projected to contribute to the significant improvement of the surrounding environment, along with increasing the quality of life of the entire Genesis Property community.
All seven buildings within YUNITY Park are already class A energy efficient. Along with the investments in buildings energy efficiency and the 1,080 photovoltaic panels installed on 4,000 sqm on the rooftops of buildings, the business park complies with the nZEB criteria as of this year, essential step for all buildings within its portfolio to become Zero Carbon Buildings (ZCB) by 2030.
“The building stock is Europe’s largest single consumer of energy, accounting for almost 40% of the EU’s energy consumption and 36% of its carbon emissions. Thus, the reduction of carbon emissions from the buildings is essential for achieving the two major objectives of the EU included in the European Ecological Agreement: the 55% reduction of gas emissions by 2030 and the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050,” says Ioan Bejan, Sustainability Manager, Genesis Property.
All the buildings in the Genesis Property portfolio already hold the BREEAM – Very Good certification since 2013 and are in an advanced process of obtaining the BREEAM – Outstanding certificate.
“We are excited that all seven buildings in YUNITY Park will have the IMMUNE Building Standard™ – Resilient, 5 out of 5 stars. It is a major step in our mission to create healthy indoor spaces for both our employees and our tenants. We are able to demonstrate that IMMUNE™ is an innovative, essential option for any organization that puts people first and is prepared for the challenges of the future,” added Ioan Bejan.
The IMMUNE Building Standard™ includes an investment in the Healthy by Design system, which focuses on implementing operational and health rules in the built environment, with a positive impact on people’s health, safety, comfort and quality of life at work.
In November 2021, Genesis Property became the first real estate company in the country to join the select community that supports the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC).
Recently, Genesis Property submitted the first edition of the Communication on Progress report to the UNGC, which describes the actions carried out and the results obtained during the previous year, in the effort to improve the living and working conditions of its own employees, the employees of its clients and partners, and the entire community.
UNGC is a global, voluntary call to companies around the world to align their business strategies and actions with universal principles regarding human rights, labor, environmental protection and anti-corruption.